Adjoining in paving the way of this movement is Emye (M.I).
“I’m not afraid to air out my dirty laundry. What I think separates me from most artists is that, I believe in a level of transparency… How else can someone relate to you if they’re believing you’re all high, perfect, and mighty? This in turn leaves people with a feeling of inferiority. None of us are worthy of such titles but God Himself.” This is the same generosity Emye exhibits in the upcoming LP titled Facing Satan.
With no exemptions to life’s common struggles, Emye has learned to roll with the punches that life tends to throw at you, and to just keep pushing through the tough times. After several death experiences due to car accidents and drug abuse, each and every time, Emye would quickly run to God for forgiveness along with being stirred up to the point of offering heartfelt promises of a changed lifestyle. But soon after, he recognized his promises were often too shallow and would quickly revert back to his old ways. This became a recurring pattern in his teenage years. “I was raised in the church, so I always knew to SEEK GOD when things got rough… because He’s the answer to everything. I just never had the proper perspective of who He truly is and what was required on my part to sustain a meaningful relationship with Child, as so, with any relationship.” It wasn’t until after his son’s mother left — deserting the family — leaving him to raise his son on his own that a sudden change occurred in his lifestyle. Emye finally took a step back to reflect on what really mattered most. “At the time, outwardly it looked as if I had it altogether, but inwardly, I was a wreck and childish in so many ways. After my son’s mother stepped out, I took a look into my baby boy’s eyes and could only see my filthy reflection. I wasn’t content in what I saw.” Emye turned to God one last time in hopes to structure his life accordingly, for his son’s sake, “ I thought to myself, what better of a father is there other than God himself? I never grew up with a father that could teach me how to become a man and how to care for a family. But what seemed to be my mom raising two boys single-handedly, wasn’t necessarily the case. What I do remember witnessing was my mom exhibiting her faith in Christ through it all. So I knew Jesus was always with her… with us. So I finally turned to God to show me the way to becoming the role model He needed me to be for my son.”
After putting his assurance and faith in Christ, Emye quit all endeavors in producing secular music and began creating faith-filled music straight away. A mutual friend from church introduced him to Lamar Riddick, which Emye took a liking to Lamar’s artistry and began producing and managing the young artist. The collaborative team work soon gave rise to a new collective, Prestine Records. A little while after, new comer Lucid joined the Prestine family, in which Emye continued to produce both talented artists and managing the label. After the production and release of Lamar’s critically acclaimed “On Fire,” Emye released his debut EP “I’ve Been Acquitted” as a collection of songs he’s worked on since his changed life-style. “It was a struggle transition from making music about whatever I felt, desired, and lusted for — to suddenly making songs that exemplifies God or invokes the person of Christ… I took a step back from rapping because I still had a lot of the old-me inside and not enough Godly substance to express. So I just focused on Riddick meanwhile taking me nearly 3 years to fill up in the Word and actively being involved in ministry before I could start rapping again.” The “I’ve Been Acquitted” EP signifies Chris’ redemptive work at the cross in the young lad’s life, thereby forgiving all men of the sin that once kept us in total isolation from God, into grace that now allows us to commune with Him, forever.
Emye is currently working on a joint project with Lucid titled “Take Two” due to release fall of 2018. Stay tuned.